Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Fit in My Heart, Snug Like a Glove

I got featured on Glenden's blog just the other day. I feel cool. :) I love the song he has up on there. Thank you, Glenden! :D And for that, I will put up one of yours. :D

And one day you will find the special star,
Which will add to your flame,
And you will burn brighter then ever,
Spreading joy and happiness for miles around.

- Glenden Yeo

Keep making them poems, Glen! They're splendid. :D

Dear Globe Broadband Internet Tattoo thing,

Of all the many other times you could've chosen to screw yourself up, why did you just HAVE to pick now? I detest you from the very core of my being. You will be hearing from me! And that's a threat. Cause I'm my very own illegitimate lawyer. HAH! How do you like them apples? D< I hope you die the most horrible death imaginable for inanimate things. Why do you do this to me? D: At least let me, you know, log on yahoo messenger. Or any messenger, for that matter. This is important stuff! D:

But anyway, no use brooding over that. I hope it gets better. It must. For Globe's reputation's sake. Cause I am a very, VERY dissatisfied customer. Angry face. |: BUT ANYWAY, like I said, no use brooding over that.

NOW, let us divert our attention to the finer details of this situation; the happier ones. Well, for one thing, my Globe tattoo adapter thing has a really rad design. :) LOL! Eh, I think I'll be headed off to bed now. Cosplay awaits me tomorrow afternoon and I'm yet to print the registration form they've sent me. I most definitely must be well rested for it. Wouldn't want to find myself wobbling through the crowds, at the brink of collapsing. :D "No can do!", said the man in the zoo. Ohmygosh, I am the rhyming king. :D

I'm supposed to look like this:

But I don't see how that's possible. LOL. I'll get red ruby shoes or something. "There's no place like home. There's no place like home." Hahaha. xD And yes, I did edit that picture a bit. Doesn't it look awesome? :) LOL.

Apologies to whomever I was chatting with a while back. I did not mean to log out on such sort notice. Blame my internet provider for doing such a great job living up to its expectations; expectations of FAILURE. |: LOL. Okay, I'll stop beating on it. But still, I'm pretty disappointed.

Anyhow, it's off to sleepy-land. Have you heard? I'm having dreams again. :) Dreams are just wonderful things. Dreams, welcome back. :D

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