Sunday, July 03, 2011

Saturday Humbug

Fudgeballs. I woke up late.
And now, I'm missing what could potentially be the most awesome day of my second year college life.

Today, right now, our Computer Science division is currently having its Sportsfest.
I don't know what exactly goes on in these things cause, last year, I didn't really bother to attend.
For, as you can see, it's a Sportsfest and I don't do sports.

But this year, well, this year, I thought it could be different.
Setting aside the plausible fact that I might indeed may be just after the bonus points my Computer Programming teacher, Mrs. Nisperos, offered, I actually wanted to go this year.
Again, no, not only for the bonus points but I really think this would have been a very opportune moment for me and my new classmates to possibly bond.

Yeah, I just had to wake up late.
Fishsticks. |:

Anyhow, moving on along now.
I was actually in the middle of coding my assignment for my CS212 class when I felt the sudden urge to blog. We're into coding 'mini-game'-like java programs now. They're not exactly mini-games but they're 'mini-game'-like.

I am always quite hesitant to blog about these programs of mine.
I fear I might bore you guys to tears with my programming technicalities. Though sometimes, as sad as this might sound, they're really all I have left to talk about. Haha. College work does that to you, I suppose. Evidently, I've grown to be very passionate about mine. LOL.

OH, which reminds me.
I don't know how it conceivably could but it did.
My FoodTrip Barkada friends and I had dinner out yesterday! :D
Well, we were supposed to anyway. It turned out to be a major flop.
Only 2 out of 4 came and one of the two who showed up was me.
I was also supposed to watch Transformers 3 with another bunch of friends as well last night but I supposed it got cancelled since I didn't get a reply text back.

Fleur, the other of us two, and I ended up having dinner at Taps.

LOL. I got that image off Google since I don't exactly have a functional camera phone.
As of late, I haven't been taking pictures of anything substantial. Rather, I haven't been taking any pictures at all. Haha.

Anyhow, that was how my whole evening panned out.
I have NSTP on Saturday so I spent my afternoon in school.
I spent most of my morning at school too, actually. I had to get there a lot earlier to help work on a group project.

I promise to take more pictures next time.
I'm currently training myself to use my digital camera more often. Haha.
And hopefully, it pays off.

I've got to go work on my program now. :)
Plus, study for Calculus. Discrete Mathematics, Physics and Biology.
Till the next post! :D

Happy Sunday, everyone.
It's now raining where I'm at. :)

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