Good evening, everyone. I am Joanna and I will be attending a debut tomorrow. :)
It's Liane's birthday and yay, I got a dress for the occasion. :D
Well, it's later, since it's almost 2am. But it still feels like it's tomorrow so I'm sticking with that; I insist it's not the 7th of November yet untill I go to sleep.
This time, I'm making extra sure that I get photographic coverage. THE CAMERA'S CHARGING. :D And having had said that, I can assure you that there will be tons of pictures on their way. :D No, I will not tell you the color of my dress; you'll have to be patient like everybody else and wait till I upload the pictures tomorrow. :)
But oh goody, I feel so much like I'm in that 'Extreme Makeover' show and even I myself am waiting for the grand unveiling. This is all really too exciting.
HAHAHA. I don't know what has come over me, to be quite honest. I really am just too excited for this thing, practically jittery with excitement. I'm so excited I, at the moment, pathetically can't even think of any other word than 'excited' to better describe how I excited I'm feeling right now. LOL.
Maybe it's because I haven't worn a pretty dress in so long.
Maybe it's because I like the idea of applying eye make-up on myself, by myself.
Maybe it's because like attending parties.
Maybe it's because I generally get excited too easily.
Haha, I can't even tell why exactly.
But anyway, I haven't been blogging as much as I should have and I feel awful. |: I obviously am not disciplined enough to follow through with any of my plans.
Just yesterday, in our NSTP class, the teacher that was temping for M'am Tess that day had us take a leadership style survey thing. I must admit I enjoyed it immensely, given it doubled as somewhat of a personality test as well. Lol, God knows how insanely into I am those things. It was a brief assessment of our leadership skills and was overall rather educational. LOL.
There were four distinguishing types: Dominant, Influencing, Steadiness and Conscientious (DISC)
And with these types came certain advantages and disadvantages. LOL. I feel like such a dweeb, having even copied this down.
Dominant (2 classmates)
Advantages: Direct, active, decisive
Disadvantages: Too controlling, hates routine, hates details
Influencing (3 classmates)
Advantages: Gregarious, enthusiastic, extremely flexible
Disadvantages: Not remembering goals, poor follow up, overlooks details
Steadiness (23 classmates)
Advantages: Cooperative, deliberate, supportive
Disadvantages: Fails to confront, dislikes charge, too compromising
Conscientious (3 classmates)
Advantages: Detailed, conscientious, cautious
Disadvantages: Inflexible, rigid, indecisive
I landed with 'Influencing' as my highest. LOL.
I guess that explains why I don't do well with goals. :))
Oh and before I forget! :D
Last Wednesday, November 2, Ailen had her recital at Abreeza. :D
And it was such a coinkidink that I met both Shishi and Thor there.
THEY GOT ME FREE YOGURT, OH MY GOSH. They knew the owner of the yogurt place so they got free promotional yogurt for me. For that ever so brief moment, I was the happiest little girl. Hahaha. Thanks to Shishi and her DSLR, I got to snap pictures of the wonderful Halloween-themed arrangement they had there. Thank you, Shishi! ♥

I got up on the ledge; I got up on what I thought to would be the perfect place to take a picture of the whole display from. But I was bitterly mistaken. LOL. Thor and Shishi actually took a video of my 'labored' struggle to get up on it but it's on Facebook and Facebook won't let me download the video. So, I'm afraid I can't show it here. ):

To my utter disappointment, it looked nothing like I imagined. LOL.
Given how clumsy I can get with things, I worried for Shishi's camera so I didn't allow myself to move around as much with it. But I had heaps of fun either way. :D IT WAS A GOOD DAY. :D
Now, this is what I hate about not blogging often.
All these things happen and when I finally get around to blog, I leave out details I find hard to forgive myself for forgetting. Goodness, lesson learned.
nice day you have there at abreeza, tell about the debut if its okay :))