January 14, 2012
We had NSTP on this Saturday, like we always do on Saturdays, and we began the first day of our fieldwork. :D We taught children! :D Our purok (which means subdivision, I think) leader hadn't quite settled the definite list of prospect students yet so we had to conjure up a list of students all on our own. So, the children lined up for registration and boy, was the turn out amazing. We ended up taking in 70 children when we were only prepared for 40. Admittedly, I was partially to blame. I helped record names and I just couldn't bring myself to say no to them when we reached the cut-off point. LOL.
I have a stubborn soft spot for children, you see, and it would have broke my heart to have to deny any of these kids. I was delighted to be immersed in a sea of children but I felt a horrid surge of distress towards the end. LOL. There were just too many of them and as much as I love children, their numbers were just overly intimidating, to say the least. It was all rather overwhelming.

Although, it was all in good fun and I arrived home tried yet beyond satisfied. After about an hour or so of rest, Jason and I attended a free concert. :D
It was loads of fun. :D And hence, the reason behind this blog post's title. I have three pictures cause I only remembered that I had my camera with me when everyone started taking pictures at the end. "Aww, I wish I bought my camera. Oh wait, I did". LOL, FAIL.
January 15, 2012
These were the only things I remember doing. LOL.
Photoshop session with Ron! :D

I'll blog about NSTP this week soon but right now, I have to make my way to Jezreel's to get ready for a debut we'll be attending this evening. I've so many things to prepare. :))
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