This unfortunate circumstance is rather a pity since I had such great sketch ideas lined up for the weekend. Knowing that I won't be able to scan them any time soon dampens my enthusiasm significantly.
This was the last thing I scanned before the printer went haywire on me.
It's a sketch of my brother, Jason, when he had his Junior prom last February 17. I think he's very pretty. :3 Haha. It was the first time I've seen him in a full-blown tuxedo. I'd scan his studio pictures but, you know, the confounded printer's down. They'll have to wait another day.
I'll be working on a painting later, for Mich's final project. After I return home from NSTP, I suppose.
March 9. It needs to be done by then. I have readied my equipment for battle for it is said that the the pen is mightier then the sword. Or, in this case, the paintbrush. Huzzah! Behold, my weapon of choice. Hahahaha.

Yesterday, along with the white sheet of cartolina and the set of poster paint, I have purchased two books both costing me no more than P100 each. The Lottery by Patricia Wood, which had won me over with its seemingly whimsical air, and Heart Sick by Chelsea Cain, which I couldn't have possibly come across till it came recommended by one of the sales attendants.

I'm giddy from excitement just looking at them. I can't wait to start. :D In all honesty, I had initially intended to buy To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. Though, browsing through what would be a meager collection of books in a mere department store, it wasn't to be found nor were books of recognized authors. I wasn't entirely dismayed for, in truth, I'd delight in any book with a good story and I had found two. :D
In the matters of the most recent of events, early morning today at 4:30am, we had yet another Fun Run event at school and I have missed it. I did not sleep only to snooze off when it mattered. Not that I didn't even try, I did it. But it was in vain. When I arrived, runners were finishing and, to make things worse, I was dropped off near the finish line. I melted away in the heat of embarrassment and made my way home, defeated by shame, taking the needed precautions to leave unseen. I was, and still am, devastated. I was so looking forward to it too. ):
On a brighter note, it's a perfect day to sleep in. The rain comes and goes and it's so cozy at home. :3
Anyhoo, let's talk about movies. :D
A little slightly after I had arrived home from the mall to buy the earlier mentioned cartolina and poster paint, Jason and I sat down with Carbonara for dinner and watched V For Vendetta.

"Remember, remember the 5th of November. The gunpowder, treason, and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot."
Even if that might have not made any sense to those who have yet to watch it, people ought to know I just adored how he had said it. Haha. I'm positive there were plenty other quotables but I was simply too taken in with the story to even care taking note of them. :))
I shall top this post off with DIY projects I want to do at the moment.
Small Projects:
Big Projects:
The drawing is really nice. Anyway I think V for Vendetta is a nice movie, I'll try to watch that in summer. :P And Im glad Im not alone feeling those things about college life. Im still really very confused about it. >.< anyway, I love the way you right! I bet you are a writer in your school. :DD