Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wonder King, Why Do You Taunt Me with Your Quality Graphics? ):

Oh, this sucks. I was unbelievably overwhelmed with absolute ecstasy, waiting for this Wonder King 2D MMORPG adventure game, that is surprisingly very much like Maplestory, to load. The install did not take long at all. I mean, seriously, it was like... Woah. Haha, you get my drift, it was FAST. I got the whole thing installed in a under 30 minutes. Minus the downloading time of course. Jason had the privilege of serving that time, lol. :)

Just when it was all loaded and read to go, I got a CreateDive Error. -_-. My netbook can't support the darn game because apparently, my screen's way too small. Fishsticks. :|

Oh well, epic conversation of the day again. :D I haven't been chatting with a whole ton of people today so my awesome quotient isn't as high. This most probably isn't at all epic but it's by far the epic-est today, for me.

Joanna says:
*Screams in high-pitched terror*

Jason says:
What are you screaming for? o-o.

Joanna says:
The guy...

Jason says:

Joanna says:
Is dreamy. 8D

Jason says:
Which guy? O:

Joanna says:
The guy from the box.

Jason says:
What box? o-o.

Joanna says:
... That one.
*Slowly points at the telly*

Okay, that played out way funnier in actuality. LOL. It was so much more of a physical comedy kind of thing. Facial expressions prove to be very vital indeed which in this case is evidently absent so, not as funny. HAHA. I had this one question lingering in my head just minutes ago. I thought I'd never be able to bring myself to do anything else until I find the answer. Turns out that I could and in addition to that, I totally forgot what that question was. HAHA.

I was checking out the new blogksin I coded, this skin. I was totally honking on my own horn, basking in my self-defined glory like that. Haha. Shameful as that was to admit, that really was what I was doing. LOL. By doing so, I found my way back to http://justpeachy.co.nr, my supposed "alter-ego" blog site. Looking at it left me just ITCHING to recode the entire it. Hahahahaha, faaaaail.

OAKFAFJALF. I so have to stop saying that. It's getting way overrated. OBBER-RATE-TED. ... HAHA. I think I'll go watch some TV now. Spongebob's on. WOOHOO! 8D. Alright, maybe you didn't need to know that.


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