Monday, January 10, 2011

In CS Class

If my teacher were to ever catch me blogging at this time, I'd be a dead man. Or, more perferrably, a dead woman. HAHA.

I'm currently having my CS subject right now. That's Computer Science, to those who don't know. And, I feel like doing everything and anything but program. LOL. I always get like this. May it be blogging or studying for the next subject I'll be having, I always want to do those instead.

Right this moment, we're supposed to be working on Activity 3. In this exercise, we are to create a text file containing "I love C programming" and, with the use of C programming, change 'C programming' to 'Java programming'. Heck, I don't feel like doing that. I don't understand exactly why but, I just don't. LOL. Moody little midget, I am.

Alright then, I'll continue this post later on when I get home. I should probably start on my program thing. Maybe just a couple of lines. :D

Later. :)

1 comment

  1. you really need to transfer to our class. we have albert einsteins that are always glad to help. wait, what did your teacher require you to do with the program? i mean, what kind of approach? do you need to change the contents of the .txt file using C, or do you have to open the .txt file using C, then change the contents when you run the C program? wait, i think you wont understand this, cause i dont even understand me as well. HAHAHAH. Fail. anyway, i'll ask you when i see you. :)
