Sunday, December 12, 2010

People's Park

Hey internet, I currently have no idea what I'm to do with my life. LOL. No, just playing. But I really do think I'm going through a mental breakdown. I have my best friend's birthday in less than 30 minutes and I've yet to buy her a present. I've got to wash mountain piles of clothes, clean rooms, segregate items for donation, have the car fueled up, and then get the pillows and blankets sent for laundry. Not to mention my school responsibilities.

I know this should be the last thing that I should be doing but blogging kind of relaxes me. I'm half way composed already. Hahaha. I've taken time to upload ADOG's latest adventure to People's Park. Check it out here.

I would get a slideshow of that set up but my phone camera isn't that good. Maybe when I take some pictures with my Fujifilm camera. :D I haven't been using it as much as I should.

You know, I kind of think Mr. Bean is a tortured genius or something. LOL.
Yeah, watching a Mr. Bean movie. They make him looks so smart.

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