LOL. Yes, I am conscious of my physicality now. No matter how hard I try to wrap my mind around it, I cannot understand how people are able to keep up with a month, or even a week, of this excruciating pain. I will not survive, I tell you. LOL. It probably is too early for me to tell though; it's just my second day of gym. I WILL NOT GIVE UP THAT EASILY! >D Haha.
But I might just skip gym for today. We'll be headed to Pearl Farm tomorrow and I've got to get packing. Since I absolutely cannot rely on myself to wake up as early as 7am tomorrow, I will be sleeping over at my friend's. Before I confuse anyone, I'll be sleeping over at this friend of mine's house cause I'll be going to Pearl Farm with his family. They were kind enough to shoulder the expenses for my brother and myself. Yeah, they're cool. Haha. Their house is pretty far off from where we live, and so is the gym. So, if I were to head on over to their house right after gym, I'm going to have to drag along all my bags of clothing and what not everywhere. Lol, I don't want to do that.
And gym is torturous. My arms would prolly fall off from carrying all that extra luggage. LOL. I need my arms.
Nope, I don't know where Pearl Farm is at either but, lol, when I get back, I'll let the pictures do all the talking. :) Yeah, got to look out for those. :D
Anywaaaay, I need to clean the house for a bit. I'll be away for New Year's so I need to make sure the house is spic and span. Or at least, you know, spic and span enough. Haha.
A happy, happy new year to everyone! :)
I'll be back by January 2, 2012.
Till then! :D
PS: I got a new MSN avatar.
I know you don't care but, lol, I like how it turned out. :D
And cause this post will look boring without a picture. LOL.
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