I chanced upon this on Tumblr and I cannot stress enough how much it struck me.
I was born in the Philippines but at the age of 3, we moved to Singapore. Growing up, I believed that it was okay that I didn't fit in. After all, I wasn't originally from there. I'm a Filipino and I'm from the Philippines. It was okay that I wasn't 100% Singaporean because I really wasn't. I spent a good 10 years of my life in Singapore. I grew fond of the culture and the life there but my sense of belonging was never properly established. I was comfortable but, secretly, I still felt like a fish out of water and I still believed that my home was in the Philippines.
I managed to settle into secondary school (high school) but halfway through the year, I find out we were to move back to the Philippines. I was beyond devastated. I truly was. There was so much I was leaving behind. But even so, there was a part of me – which I was blind to at the time – that was undeniably excited. "I'm going home".
To cut it short, I ended up feeling alienated even in my own, supposed, home country. I knew I didn't belong in Singapore but if I don't belong even here in the Philippines, where do I belong then? I've been living in the Philippines for 8 years now since we moved back and I still don't feel that I belong. This used to rattle me so but I've come to realize, after so long, that it doesn't really matter. Home is where you make it.
I suppose this goes out to the people who know what this feels like.
I found my home in God. If you haven't already, I hope you find yours soon, wherever you decide to make it. ♥
Amen <3 And I'm so proud of you sweets even more so with this incredible blog and all that you're doing. Am also beyond grateful that you're part of my home. lots of love to you!