Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Wish Work Would Do Itself

Why, hello there, square piece of technology, you. Alright, that just sounded so awkward. But hey, anyhow, I suppose I'm back, again, from yet another periodical absence from blogging. I just find it so hard to concentrate on a single blog post when I've got millions of thoughts going through my head. As you could've guessed, I'm naturally scatterbrained so it would come as a great task to actually get myself settled down to tackle single, individual thoughts individually. Plus, now with school in the way, with my busy schedule and what not, it's all the more harder to even find the time of day to think up of a half decent write up.

I haven't even the time to be all jolly jolly joy joy anymore.

If you were to compare me from how I was during the two week holiday and how I am now, you would probably agree with me when I say that I've hit puberty. Yes, again. My voice has significantly deepened, from a squeaky high to a boyish low. And to add to that, I've short hair now. I swear, I could pass off as a guy any day. LOL.

I'll try to have a sound clip of myself uploaded so you'll know exactly what I'm talking about.

Alright, so here's something that I really should get off my chest. I regret getting a haircut. I'm absolutely absorbed in remorse; so much remorse that its eating me alive. *Makes zombie face* O: Hah.

But yeah, I really do regret doing so.
I had even made vlog on Youtube about it. Yes, a vlog, like a video blog. And no, I do not want to talk about it. Haha.

YES. I have MOUNTAINS' worth of work to do and yet I had the time to recorded a good five minute video of myself. I'm that much of an irresponsible oaf. LOL. But, eh, it helped shake off a great deal of stress so I suppose that hadn't turned out completely worthless after all. :D

Alrighty, I'll put this here blog of mine to good use and commence talking about my life. And, right now, my life revolves around school. And God. God's my best friend now, he's awesome. You ought to meet him. :D

Anyhow, to those who are still unaware, I am taking up Computer Science. To best explain that, we're theoretically the future hackers of the world. Woot. Haha. Yes, you have all the reason to fear me. Cower, you insolent boob. I will steal your credit card number one day. And, if you have one, your llama. >D

So yeah, Computer Science, programming and blah blah blah. I'm a late enrollee this semester so I've missed out on quite a bit. All's good though. I'm coping up rather well. In comparison to last semester, my schedule now is unforgivably uptight. Well, not so much but on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 7:40am onwards, I'll be able to have lunch only at 2:30pm. I actually have 15 minutes before my 12:25pm class but everyone knows that's barely enough time to have a proper meal. I end up having just biscuits sometimes. But I'm not complaining. With a schedule like this, I'll slim down in due time for sure. HAHA.

I do need to lose a few pounds here and there.
I'm getting a tad pudgy. And it's not cute.

I should get going now. Like I've incessantly repeated in this post, I've tons of stuff to do so I better get started on them. My first class tomorrow starts at 11:00am. I think I'll blog before then. :D Goodnight. :D

And before I end this, I'll respond to tags on my tagboard! Woot. There's only one though. Forever alone. Hahaha. But yeah, here we go. :D
You know, on second thought, I'll just write on her tagboard on HER blog. She left a link. It would be rude of be to leave that unvisited. :D

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