I've gone quite a while without blogging and for that, I express my deepest apologies.
It's been a busy week and, to be rather frank, I have no idea where I'm to even begin.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I need to deal with this incessant obsession of honing these posts to perfection. It's honestly what keeps me from blogging as frequently. I intended to blog earlier today, and yesterday, and the day before that actually. But what kept me from even starting on anything was my constant worry of not having enough time to work on these posts of mine.
Just do it, Joanna. Just go for it.
It's considerably still a busy night so I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut this post short and present to you the highlights of my week. You know, only the important, significant bits. :D Let's work backwards.
Just yesterday, I hung out with Kong and Mich.

I'll edit in the details of our little adventure when I have the time but for now, these pictures should do. :D
The other night, I made this time lapse video of myself through the ages. LOL. It's basically a compilation of pictures of me since fourth year high till now.
Since I thought that turned out horribly, I started on a new time lapse project. I'll be taking a picture of myself everyday for the next year or so and I'll make a video quite similar to what we had up there. :D
Have you ever had mochis before?
Well, might I say that they're the most wonderful thing invented by man, EVER. Hahaha.
Even the plastic they come in are cute. :D
Shishi and Thor first introduced them to me and I got all excited ever since. From the very first bite I took out of my first mochi, I fell in love almost instantaneously. HAHAHA.
My final java project is even inspired by mochis. :D

Coding it has been ridiculously draining. I'm still on it even up till now.
I haven't been working on the game these past two days though. I've been too preoccupied with learning how to solve a rubik's cube. Solving one would serve as our final examination for Discrete Mathematics.
I had the hardest time with it and I still basically am. I haven't gotten past the second layer yet. IT'S DEMORALIZING, HAVING TO DEAL WITH CONSISTENT FAILURE. LOL.
But hey, I succeeded in Joanna-ifying my cube. :)
It's gorgeous, I know. HAHA.
I should get back to my program.
It's not going to code itself.
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