I would like to start off this post with a declaration that
Besides music, food and maybe a worthy book, jello is good for the sooooooul. It wiggles and it jiggles and it makes my tummy go MMMMMMMMMM. :3
And my statement is invalid cause jello is still technically a kind of food. HAHA.
Why, hi there, living organisms who can read. How are you doing today? :D
The reason behind that declaration up there would be because I've been home all day watching movies and giving in to my voracious tendencies. LOL.
Movies I've Already Watched

Movies To Watch
Movies I Tried Watching But Couldn't Cause
They Bored The Wits Out Of Me
Maybe cause it wasn't really 3D, I don't know. LOL. And, in addition to that, I watched an entire anime season earlier today.
In any case you can't read kanji, and it's most likely you can't, that reads Baka To Test To Shoukanjuu Ni. You're a disgrace to all of mankind for not knowing how to read Japanese kanji. A DISGRACE, I SAY! D< Lol, but it's okay. Neither can I. LOL.
You can't get any bummier than this. Hahaha.
Right now, I lust for three things.
1. A sewing machine
- I've always secretly wanted this. I've secretly wanted to secretly sew and secretly alter clothes secretly, in secret. HAHA. But really though, secret or not, I want to make things that I can wear. Or, you know, at least fix whatever I am already wearing.
2. An oven
- Now, what's better than making things that you can wear? Yes, that's right. Making things that you can EAT. Again, I am a gluttonous beast. Hahahahaha. I want to bake! I want to make cakes, cupcakes, pastries of sorts!
3. A DSLR camera
- I want to take pictures and not feel like I still have to edit them. My digicam is alright but it just can't compare and its battery life oftentimes just renders it completely useless. It's either this or a phone with a camera that has at least 8 megapixels.
Besides Jessie, Stefi and JV now have blogs as well.
Visit them if you will, they're awesome people. :D
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