Conclusion: I'm always depressed.
Well, anyway, a splendid evening to everyone.
You could probably guess, I'm still working on the game. It's been going on for days now and, admittedly, I've allowed myself to become significantly antisocial because of it. Day in and day out, for the past several days, I am cemented in front of my laptop, trying to figure out bits and pieces of the code to the best of my abilities.
LOL. It's consciously mentally draining and I will not lie, right now, I'd rather be doing a whole bulk of other things.
Progress Report:
Oh joy, lol.
- I've come to terms with how to work with classes. YAY.
- I still haven't gotten the battle frame to work properly but I'm basically through with everything else. LOL. Which, surely, would still amount to nothing cause the battle scene is what the game's all about.
Let me not continue to bore you with technicalities. Cause, lol, I'm pretty much starting to bore myself as well.
But anyway, I thought of revamping the character design but I had just found out from Martin, our class president, that our defense will be tomorrow. Considering that I've yet to attend to the battling bit, I won't have much time to work on them as intricately as I want to.
Nevertheless, I took time off coding to try and recreate the blue mochi cause it's cute and I just had to. Besides, working on it for as long as I have, I needed the much deserved break.

Original Mochi

It bothers me that I don't have enough time to work on the other mochis. As cute as the original mochis may be the way they are, they don't look as aesthetically pleasing against a gray backdrop.
I should get back to coding; I'm running short on time. It's already due tomorrow and I still have major kinks to work out. Majorly major kinks.
Anyway, bye! :D
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