Saturday, April 28, 2012

Oh So Nerdy

If there's one thing being in Computer Science has taught me, it's how to see failure as an opportunity to succeed. Just yesterday, I realized that I'm no longer as easily intimidated by failure as I used to. You can learn from it and grow from it when you know how.

"I have not failed. I have just found 1000 ways that don't work."
Thomas Edison said that. He is, no doubt, a brilliant man but I favored him less when I learned out about the Tesla-Edison feud. BETCHA DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THAT. Haha. I didn't until last year during Physics. :))

Anyhow, unimportant.
How are you doing today? :)

I'm a happy penguin cause I have no classes today. Isn't that swell? :D
I can stay home and do stuff I've been too tired to do. :D

As for school, things are marvelous.
For Algo class next Monday, I'll be performing a dance number with my group mates.
We cast votes if we wanted to perform or to code a program for the second part of our midterm exams. My class opted to dance. It was unanimous but, in hindsight, I should've voted to code instead cause it now seems heaps easier to study.

The dance is supposed to look something like this.

This will be fun, I'm sure.
Good thing it isn't going to be performed live. Otherwise, I think I might just collapse dead from embarrassment. :))

I'll have the video up when it's ready and when it is, I will have ventured past the point of no return. I shan't ever be able to show my face in public again. HAHAHA.

Here are random photos from this week cause I don't feel like blogging anymore. :))

I still need to find something Avengers-related to wear.

Monday morning, I have a job interview. :D

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