Thursday, July 09, 2020

Fine Tuning

I'm on day 5 of incessant coding and I have effectively lost all sense of time.

It's amusing how I tend to get lost in the midst of the most random of projects but I'm well aware that, at times, it's a tell-tale sign that I am desperately deflecting. Hahahaha. Although, this still makes better use of my time than wading in a puddle of my tears for days on end. Hahahaha.

On a serious note, the pandemic has frankly got me feeling out of sorts and it continues to. I know it has been just as difficult for everyone I care about so I can't even have a decent conversation with anyone without feeling awful for not being okay.

Falling back into working on web designs had surprisingly brought about so much comfort. It's a little stressful and time consuming (as are most projects, I suppose) but it allows me to be a version of myself that I miss being — focused, determined, and certain. It's a pocket of time when I don't feel like I'm a mess and I can be confident that every sizable problem has a solution — contrary to how I have often been feeling. I hope everyone has something that makes them feel like this.

It's a state of mind that differs slightly from when I draw. I get excited and inspired all the same but coding is impersonal enough that I can handle disappointment without wanting to immediately give up. I fail better at it and I just honestly wish I failed better at more things.

Now, on to blog update things!

The blog is nowhere near where I want it to be but it's just that much closer. I'm happy how it turned out so far. It's a touch more responsive and I sprinkled animations here and there to make it a little less static.

  • Added a landing page (Still needs work)
  • Added portfolio (Still needs plenty of work)
  • Added Fancybox 3 plugin for portfolio gallery
  • Added skills, experience and interests section (Favorite)
  • Reworked 'about' page
  • Added animations
  • Fixed element layering
  • Revamped navigation menu

I think those are the main things. I honestly live for update logs and in hindsight, I should've kept better track of these blog update posts so I'd be able to accurately add update versions. I'll keep better track from now on. I can't wait to be able to work on something where I can write update logs. Hahahaha. I'll keep the other ideas I've got planned unlisted for now but the one thing I'm most excited to tackle is one that Ron suggested: Dark Mode!

It's easy enough but I still have plenty of tidying left to do within the code and I am in much need of a break. Stay cuddly, friends! And remember to keep hydrated!

A moment today that I want to remember: My little brother hilariously mimicking all sorts of Charmander noises (and me doing the same) while we were in the kitchen having cookies that I had baked the day before. It's such a happy little thing.

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