Saturday, July 04, 2020

Book Launch!

Hello! It's been an impossibly long time but for quite a while now, I've been wanting to rekindle this old love of mine that is blogging. I'm even contemplating revamping the entirety of the blog to spruce things up but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Baby steps. That aside, I figured the best way to kick things off is to talk about something I've been incredibly excited about!

Ladies and gents, I'd like to present to you: A Few of My Favourite Things!

It's on a book launch sale till the 12th of July! Grab a copy here if you'd fancy! It's much like an activity book for kids with stickers. You can read more on its contents and the author's advocacy on there as well. The best part is honestly that buying the book helps support a cause I too personally feel passionate about.

This is a nod to everyone who has helped me tremendously along the way. I couldn't have done any of this without the love and support I've gotten from them and I cannot be more grateful. My closest friends, Stephanie and Aaron, especially have pulled me through a large bulk of the actual creative process, artistically and emotionally. I've got to hand it to the author, Rachel, as well for being as patient and understanding as she was towards me.

As a person who struggles to finish absolutely anything at all, I cannot stress enough how big of a deal this genuinely is for me. I didn't actually think I'd even get it done. I hope there are people out there who enjoy this as much as I enjoyed working on it. It's been a journey and I'd love to know if ever you've gotten yourself a copy! I sincerely want to personally thank you. I'm on Instagram and Twitter too if you're on there! 

Stay safe and take care of yourselves during these strange times, friends! *HUG* 

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