December 30, 2010
Hello there, fellow internet users. How are you doing today? :) Well then, I haven't been able to update lately solely due to one reason -- gym. :D LOL. Yes, I am conscious of my physicality no…
December 28, 2010
AJHFJAFJKFBAJKFBAJKFBHUIWFBKJVBJA. I've got so many things to do. I want to do them but the mere thought of there being just too much to accomplish is, in itself, unnervingly overbearing. And I&#…
December 28, 2010
Oh my gosh, I feel absolutely wonderful. Thank you, God. For loving me so much. Even if it is You that I have done the most wrong to, it is You who still loves me and forgives me and who still contin…
December 28, 2010
It's a picture of my bag, cute-ified! Haha. I added eyes case I thought the zipper up front looked like a mouth. And now, I'm seriously considering sewing on some button eyes. HAHA. :D I…
December 28, 2010
Editing project number two now in session. :D It's time for Brit-brit to shineeeeee. Haha. We collaborated this whole spontaneous theme thing cause we couldn't really think of a solid one.…
December 27, 2010
Twitter, this is the last straw. I'm telling on you to blogger! D: Let's see how you like that! D< I sound like such a whiny kid. LOL.But yeah, anyhow, that really is the case; Twitter…
December 23, 2010
Good afternoon, readers. This here post will be yet another session of photoshop fun with Aaron Alimagno . I'm starting to think that I may be mentioning him a tad too much in my posts. BUT ANYWA…
December 22, 2010
Hello there, here I find myself again. I don't want to be one to wallow in self-pity and what not but I'm feeling quite empty this Christmas and I don't know where else -- or who else -- …
December 22, 2010
I saw this on Tumblr and I just HAD to comment. Woman, what's the matter with you? And, oh, I must have this. It's a bar soap dispenser. :D Haha, anyway, here's another thi…
December 22, 2010
And no, I'm not referring to big bird. If you've been following me on Twitter, you would've noticed that I was tweeting about a bird being in the house. Well, I wasn't being meta…
December 20, 2010
I've spent a whole day downloading icons and browsing through wallpapers just to find the perfect ones. :D And there we have it, absolute beauty at its finest. :) Ever since Saturday, I'…
December 20, 2010
Here's the continuation of yesterday's post I promised. It's past midnight so I didn't really see the point of working any further on that last post. Anyhow, I'm back home and I&#…
December 19, 2010
I'm such a boring person. It's been weeks since I've last been to the movie theater. LOL. As I've taken time to reemphasize time and time again, I find the oddest times to blog. I'…
December 16, 2010
Oh, hey there blog. It's been a hectic week with exams and the sudden gush of the Christmas gung-ho from everyone coming right at me all at once. Stress has been a friend. Anyway, I find today …
December 13, 2010
(Picture of scary man that was previously here removed due to extreme scariness) LOL. If you want to see it, just click on the link below there somewhere and take a look at it yourself. I'm sorr…
December 12, 2010
Hey internet, I currently have no idea what I'm to do with my life. LOL. No, just playing. But I really do think I'm going through a mental breakdown. I have my best friend's birthday in …
December 09, 2010
And, that was my reason why I removed that ad in Facebook; it was about Haunted Changi and they had pictures. D: Oh and, Britney Spears keeps her shirts for more than four years. LOL. Random, but …
November 28, 2010
I should really be cleaning up and packing right now since EGR will be in only a few hours but it wouldn't hurt to blog for just a bit, would it? :D For those of you who haven't a clue as to …
November 26, 2010
There we have it, I've finally taken the time to sit myself down long enough to convert my blog to the new blogger template thing. I'd have to admit though, this could take some getting used …
November 25, 2010
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I just had to post this. So, alright, Aaron and I were chatting and we had this very interesting conversation. It's probably not as funny to anyone else but us but I'm blogging…
November 25, 2010
"I'm not angry at you because of what you did, I'm angry at you because you've hurt me." But Joanna, ponder on this for a sec. You're angry, aren't you? Why are you…
November 23, 2010
Currently reading 'The Purpose Driven Life' by Rick Warren. It's a lovely book and I suppose I'll be using my blog to keep track of my progress. Just finished day 17 today. :) ( D…
November 16, 2010
Oh hey, get this, our car met with an accident with a motorbike yesterday; the front's a mess. I'd relay what had happened but the story has gone pretty stale. After a grueling three hours of…
November 15, 2010
Oh hey, it's nice to meet you. Do you come visiting these parts often? :) HAHA. Alright, I guess I've just been chatting a tad bit too much. WELL, HELLO THERE EVERYONE. A very good evening to…
November 10, 2010
Why, hello there, square piece of technology, you. Alright, that just sounded so awkward. But hey, anyhow, I suppose I'm back, again, from yet another periodical absence from blogging. I just …
October 30, 2010
1. They advertise too much. May it be for some business or for themselves. This is the main reason why I unfollow people. I don't filter my tweets so I make sure that I like whatever shows up in…
October 18, 2010
Being the bored little squirrel I've been lately, I have been googling up a whole array of stuff. And this would be one of them. :D I just love quizzes like this. They help stimulate your creativ…
August 14, 2010
So, I totally made myself a new picture thing for my 'about me'. Not my best array of photos, I should say, but it's alright for now. :D After what I made myself go through doing that, my…
August 14, 2010
I got featured on Glenden's blog just the other day. I feel cool. :) I love the song he has up on there. Thank you, Glenden! :D And for that, I will put up one of yours. :D And one day you wi…
July 06, 2010
And as I said when I showed Aaron this picture, "I never knew we had a scientific term for that". But apparently, as you can see, we do. You see that? Knowledge has been shared and, ther…
July 05, 2010
Write a letter to these people: Day 1 — Your best friend Day 2 — Your crush Day 3 — Your parents Day 4 — Your sibling (or closest relative) Day 5 — Your dreams Day 6 — A stranger Day 7 — Your…
June 30, 2010
Truth be told, I would most definitely wait and stand outside long enough until whatever first drops down from the sky adds up to a heaping pile of food. Then after, I will jump in it. I will jump in…
June 29, 2010
You see that? It's alright to get mad; for as long as you get over it. Darling, you don't know how it kills me inside. Oh, nah. I'm just kidding. No emo stuff here. :D Haha. Alright…
June 05, 2010
Hey, hello there! :) Here's a question for you. Why do people have to die? Why can't God just keep the ones we've already got instead of taking them away and constantly having to make ne…
June 04, 2010
Here ye, here ye. Three cheers for Joanna Banana! She finally came round to make a new blogskin for this old thing! YAY! :D Can I hear a hip and a hip and a HOOORAAAY? :D Oh yeah, I'm totally …
May 26, 2010
As I idly browse through this here blog of mine, I can't help but think that my font is just way too small. Haha. :D Well, hello there everyone! Oh, and I just got a new follower today. :D …
May 25, 2010
You know what, blog? I don't understand how I feel right now. I can't even begin to perceive the absolute complexity of my emotional state at this moment. I feel sad, I feel upset, I feel dis…
May 19, 2010
Yay, online diary thing! :D And yes, keeping this blog private does make me feel all the more comfortable blogging. My thoughts are now absolutely void of the need to please people; I can speak free…
May 14, 2010
"Dangling iguana". Yeah, I wish I had one of those. Have you ever noticed how in movies, when it comes to the full flips and awesome kick-butt routines, you can never really see the a…
May 07, 2010
I'd have to admit, things are going bad. And sadly, I don't know how to fix this one, this time. ): This involves so much of my personal life so you should understand why I have to be as vag…
May 05, 2010
Hello there, earthlings! :D Okay, so I'm at school and I'm rotting like blue cheese. Well, rather, like striped cheese because that's what I'm wearing after all. Haha. There isn…
April 10, 2010
My life revolves around the laptop, TV and food; it can't get any more boring than that. Really. MAPLESTORY IS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. Haha, so, today, I spent most of my time playing Maplestory…
April 08, 2010
Yes, indeed, Plurk is solely for nincompoops. And, since I can't think of anything else to do to keep me from dozing off, I will blog a second post for today. Yay! ♥! Now, to bore you with what…
April 08, 2010
Aww, they're all grown up! I miss them so much now. MEH! It's entirely my fault for visiting Liting's blog anyhow; this was absolutely the FIRST thing that caught my eye. Aww, nunuuuu! …